Email Marketing services

Email is not dead. In 2020 there were 306.4 billion emails sent every day (statists).


Do you know that email marketing is actually one of the most powerful tools in a small business owner’s arsenal? It has been proven to be more effective than social media and even direct mail. Yet, despite this knowledge, many businesses are hesitant to invest in an email marketing campaign. In this blog post, we will explore why they should reconsider their hesitation and take advantage of the benefits of using an email marketing strategy for their company.


What is email marketing, and how does it work?


Email marketing is a great way to connect with customers or potential clients. Email campaigns allow you to build your brand and deliver content that will help inform them about new products or services they may be interested in purchasing. Along with these benefits comes the ease of use for managing email marketing campaigns. This type of campaign can be managed from any device with an internet connection, making it convenient no matter where you are at the time.


Why should small businesses invest in email marketing services?


There are many reasons why investing in an email marketing strategy today is beneficial for both their business and audience: – It’s one of the most effective forms of advertising available on social media platforms; nearly 50% more clicks than Facebook ads! – Email keeps you top of mind. Even if your customer doesn’t open it right away, they know you sent them something and reference your company when they need you.


How to get started with email marketing.


To get started, create a list of people you want to be on the email marketing campaign. Depending on your business and niche, this could include current customers and potential leads or contacts. Next, choose an Email Marketing Service Provider (EMSP) to provide you with all the necessary tools, from designing templates for emails to delivering them appropriately using various methods. We use Get Response for our provider and have seen great results. Click here, and you can get 30 days FREE access to an All-in-one online marketing platform.

Finally, start writing! Your EMSP should have resources available for creating content such as blog posts about your brand’s latest news items or industry insights tailored specifically for the recipient’s interests.


Tips for creating a successful campaign.


The first tip: Don’t send spammy messages that don’t interest recipients’ needs. They’re not worth opening in most cases.

The second tip: Include a compelling, personalized, and relevant subject line that grabs recipients’ attention.

Third tip: Personalize the content in your email to be relevant for each recipient.

Fourth tip: Don’t try to sell them something in every e-mail right off the bat. Build a report with your audience by letting them know who you are through your story.


E-mail marketing mistakes to avoid.


Selling too hard.

When emailing your customers, it’s important first to understand why you’re emailing them. You want to get something out of the relationship with your customer, whether that is increased sales or website traffic, and still need a healthy relationship with those who use your products. If every message tries to sell product offers like an annoying car sales associate on commission, then don’t be surprised when people disengage from trying anything new coming into their inboxes! Try finding this balance between helpful content and marketing messages so both parties can benefit without feeling overwhelmed by all the advertisements constantly bombarding them at work.

Make sure your email is mobile optimized.

With the rise of mobile devices, it is more important than ever to make sure your customers receive a great experience on both desktop and various phone types. If this doesn’t happen, they will delete emails in seconds!

It might take some extra minutes up-front to perfect an email’s format for mobile compatibility. Still, it’ll be worth all that time spent polishing when you see how few people bother reading anything if there aren’t any links, at which point those just get deleted without so much as a second glance.

Your customers are on the go, so making sure your emails look good or mobile is a must. They will open and engage more with an email that doesn’t make them pinch to zoom in just to read it all.

Stay compliant with your autoresponders terms of service.

Your autoresponder is only as good as the emails you send through it. It’s also important to stay compliant with any terms of service for your autoresponder. Ensure that every email looks professional and doesn’t have anything in there that would violate an agreement or code of conduct. Your list members will appreciate it too!

Also, most autoresponders, such as Getresponse and have strict rules about using purchased lists. It’s important not to violate these because doing so will result in your account being shut down, which would mean no more emails for you!


The Future of email marketing.


The future of email marketing is bright. It’s a powerful tool that can help you improve your brand and grow your business. The email will always be an important part of the inbound methodology because it provides a great ROI for any campaign. The key to success with email marketing today is to use intelligent, targeted messages based on customer preferences or location – not just blasting out generic emails without regard for who they’re going to!

Suppose you are looking for a way to reduce your cost per lead; reach out to BKXX Enterprises today. We have the solutions to help you get your first email campaign up and running today.

More of a do-it-yourself kind of person? No, problem. Learn everything you need to know about creating a successful email campaign in this short 5 day lead gen course for free. The 5-Day Lead Generation Challenge is a system that takes marketing away from being hard to something exciting. You are about to transform your business into an unstoppable machine of success!

You’ll have your work cut out for you in 5 days- but it will be worth it!

The challenge changes the way marketers think and work, decreases customer acquisition time, creates consistency with messaging, provides strategies for increasing conversions, and best of all, increases profitability through generating more revenue in less time.

Do you already have an email marketing campaign going? What successes have you had with your campaigns? Let me know by sending me an email!

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