Social media marketing for you home service business

As a home services business, using social media marketing is one of the best ways to connect with your audience. Low-cost access to a massive audience is one of the benefits they provide. In fact, most Americans check Facebook, Instagram, Twitter & LinkedIn every single day; 74% check Facebook; 63% check Instagram; 42% check Twitter; 9% check LinkedIn.

There’s more to social media advertising than posting a few posts here and there. To make the most of this powerful and versatile marketing tool, to promote the value you can bring to a homeowner, you must understand what to post where. In addition, you should know when to post it to ensure that your target audience sees it.

Types of Content That Work for Each Social Media Platform

  • Facebook: Videos, images, and curated content.
    • Choosing links and content that your target audience will find valuable is important, such as a video on how to spot leaks or change an AC filter.
  • Instagram: High-quality, eye-catching imagery.
    • Instagram is known for its beautiful pictures. So prioritize quality over quantity when you decide to post photos of your amazing work.
  • Twitter: How-to articles, videos, infographics, and news.
  • LinkedIn: Business and market-relevant information.
    • This includes job listings and detailed business information, such as how your clients can reach you and what area you service.


This is an example of how the medium shapes the message. Twitter is appropriate for short, concise messages, but LinkedIn, on the other hand, is better for more detailed discussions about your business or industry trends.

When Is the Best Time to Post On Social Media?

Your posting strategy depends not only on your audience but also on where they live.

Market segmentation matters; different types of users engage at different times of the day or different times of the year. Below are the busiest times for each site, on average:

  • Facebook: Weekdays during lunchtime.
  • Instagram: 10–11 am works best, but try to focus on posting before noon.
  • Twitter: Early mornings during weekdays, between 6–9 am
  • LinkedIn: Weekdays late in the morning, between 8–11 am.

Please note that these are only general estimates and averages. An in-depth analysis can reveal more specific information about what type of home services your target audience is looking for and when they are most likely to view your content. BKXX Enterprises can help your home services business make sense of the data and scope out a schedule that will work best for your next campaign.

How to Write Compelling Social Media Posts

Write Content Consistently

Create content consistently to keep readers coming back for more. When you don’t have content that continuously captures your audience’s attention, you might lose a potential customer!

Quality Over Quantity

You should write posts that provide some form of value or insight to your readers. Readers will want to trust you as the experts you are, so don’t let them down! They should be able to find their way through your content easily. You need not only give facts and figures; include some stories if possible too. When writing posts for others, it is important not just to write what they may like but also to answer any questions readers might have conveniently.

Variety Is the Spice of Life

Planning is a great way to get ideas for posts. Spend time in your team meetings brainstorming to help develop topics relevant to the season or home service vertical. Are you offering a new type of service or upgrading your equipment? Make sure to let homeowners know how you are working to serve them better.

Create an Eye-Catching Title or Image

Grabbing a reader’s attention is key to getting users to engage with your post. Think of what makes you like or comment on a post, and incorporate that into your own work.

Understand Your Audience

Last but not least, you must know your audience. It would be best to consider what your audience might want to read when choosing topics to write about. If it is the summer, they may be looking for AC maintenance-related topics, for example.

The best way to make the most of the power of social media marketing is to work with professionals who specialize in managing your online presence, advertising, and reputation. Contact BKXX Enterprises, Ubana, Ohio’s best social media marketing agency today to speak with a specialist who can optimize your business’s online presence.

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