In the world of social media marketing, the word “engagement” is tossed around a lot, but very few brands know how to achieve it. Brands that tweet with little effort, the program feeds on Facebook and LinkedIn, or update products, services, and educational content via email see little or no social media engagement. Sources: 3

With tactics such as live video, webinars, and groups, you will be able to connect with people and learn more about what they need. Do your best in your marketing efforts to find creative ways to communicate with your audience. Sources: 1

If you’re always looking for new and innovative ways to connect with your audience via the various social media networks, make sure you make the most of the platforms you use. Here are five tips for better engagement with your social media posts. Sources: 1

Tip # 1 Ask Questions

The best way to get involved is to ask questions. It’s easy to create a poll on Twitter or Facebook. Just request a question and invite people to share their opinions and get involved. Sources: 3

In addition to engaging your followers, you can also learn meaningful things from them. This is the most engaging strategy I have ever seen for my brand and many others. People are people, and the first-person approach is the least engaging way to encourage people to play. Sources: 3

When you post on social media, one easy way to connect with your fans is to ask questions. Asking relevant and funny questions is a great way to get your customers to leave comments on your posts. In this way, you can integrate your product into the questions and deal playfully with your audience. Sources: 2

Social media users don’t always have time for everything. Find out when your followers are most likely to be online and plan your posts accordingly. The goal is to get your followers to see, comment on and share your posts. If you post randomly, when most of them are inactive, you miss an engagement chance. Sources: 0

Tip #2 Use And Follow Hashtags

Many social media platforms offer ways to track engagement. Facebook, for example, allows companies to see which posts have the highest engagement. With this kind of insight, you can figure out what works and what doesn’t. Once you understand how a post works, you can create content that follows the same pattern in the future. According to Facebook, the more positive links there are in a post, the higher the engagement of the outgoing links. Sources: 5

Tip # 3 Create Or Join Facebook Groups 

Joining any old group is not always effective. Joining a group that likes Chevy Trucks when you sell Ford Trucks will not reach the right people and is a big waste of time. A little bit of keyword research can go a long way to finding the perfect Facebook group for you to interact with your ideal customer. Keep in mind, though; those are not your customers just yet. You can’t just go in there and start selling right away. That is the quickest way to get kicked out by the moderators.

To avoid getting the boot. You could create a Facebook group to attract your ideal customer. Facebook groups are a great way to increase engagement on social media. By forming a group, you enable your customers to communicate with each other. This is how they get to know other people in their niche. Sources: 2

Tip # 4 Hold Content Sharing Contests

Give people an incentive to participate in the competition. If you have a website, you can find ways to reward people for spreading the word about it. For example, it is typical to offer additional entries or rewards for sharing. This is a great way to engage your customers and get them interested in your latest product or project. Sources: 1

Offering your customers something when they tweet with a particular hashtag, retweet or share your content, or become followers, is a great way to reward and acknowledge commitment. People are generally happy to engage with a brand if it means something to them and the brand. Sources: 6

While comments and posts are great, they are not the only way to see your audience’s interest. Mark and use features such as tags to track positive engagement so you can include them in your weekly or monthly reports. Sources: 7

Announce a ‘takeover’ on Instagram and invite your fans to stay tuned. Pulling in relevant influencers to take over the site is also a great tactic. One of the most effective ways to increase engagement on social media is to introduce your customers to your page and make them brand representatives. Sources: 0

Many brands encourage their social teams to sign up on their posts. It can be tempting to get involved with a brand just because you believe a real person is at the other end. The Hootsuite’s save reply function allows you to precompose answers to frequently asked questions. Sources: 7

Brands need to practice both reactive and proactive engagement. Think of conversation as art, but in a way, it’s more like a sport with volleys of attention and questions. You have to give and take to get there. Sources: 7

Tip # 5 Speak Directly To Your Fans

Brands like Netflix kill it with their social media engagement by interacting directly with their fans. I have noticed that the two most important words’ capitalization in a contribution, evokes the greatest commitment. For example, Netflix is posting “Canada Day,” Offering their fans Canadian references using the word “Canada.” Sources: 2

Guest posts are a great way to increase engagement on social media. Create in-depth articles that go beyond blogs and news channels. Have them promoted on social media or direct people to your website or any other blogging site where your article appears. Sources: 6

The above list is a good starting point if you feel that engagement on your social media channels is stagnating. There is much to consider, and you will notice how many points are connected. Assign each tactic to a specific business objective to take a more holistic marketing approach. Sources: 4

Suppose you are looking for more great tips to get more engagement and traffic to your posts. Check out Traffic Secrets by Russel Brunson. That book led me to where I am today, and you are reading this fabulous article because of that.


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